In the short term, INCREDIBLE will help find solutions to the most pressing knowledge needs and innovation opportunities for NWFPs. In the mid and longer terms, it will foster the environmental and economic performance of forestry across the Mediterranean basin, also impacting wider Europe and globally. It will improve access to knowledge, the identification of business opportunities, sharing and spreading good practices, success cases and innovative business models. INCREDIBLE will have a positive impact on the development of innovative products and services associated with new business models in the NWFP sector.
Bring together…
To contribute to…
Improve access to thematic knowledge (scientific and practical); the identification of business opportunities; spreading good practices detected; summarizing and translating them into easy to understand formats, and sharing them via multi-actor events and workshops.
INCREDIBLE will create a common place where materials will remain available in the long term, and expects to support the implementation of the EIP on Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability, through interaction with Operational Groups, and sharing the most significate INCREDIBLE outcomes in the common EIP-AGRI format.
Le projet INCREDIBLE vise à montrer comment les produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le soutien à la gestion durable des forêts et au développement rural, en créant des réseaux pour partager et échanger des connaissances et des compétences. INCREDIBLE (dont l’acronyme signifie “ réseaux d’innovation du liège, des résines et des produits comestibles dans le bassin méditerranéen» encourage la collaboration intersectorielle et l’innovation, afin de mettre en valeur la valeur et le potentiel des PFNL dans les régions méditerranéennes.
Le projet 'Innovation Networks of Cork, Resin, and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin' (INCREDIBLE) a reçu des fonds du programme Horizon 2020 de la Commission Européenne sous le grant agreement N°774632
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