The Bioregions Facility of the European Forest Institute has launched its Open Innovation Challenge 2022 to identify and support the uptake of innovative solutions addressing forest bioeconomy challenges. Unleashing the potential of Non-Wood Forest Products is one of the three themes of the call.
Start-ups, research teams, companies, and individuals are all welcome to apply and present their innovative solutions. Bioregions is looking for:
The winner of the challenge will receive a 7,000 € grant and guidance to showcase and demonstrate his/her solution to key stakeholders in one or more regions. In this way, the winner will get insights into the fitness and feasibility of their solutions, contact potential partners, clients and support from leading European regions, gain recognition and advance in his/her professional networking.
The application is open until 12 February 2023.
More information here.
Le projet INCREDIBLE vise à montrer comment les produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le soutien à la gestion durable des forêts et au développement rural, en créant des réseaux pour partager et échanger des connaissances et des compétences. INCREDIBLE (dont l’acronyme signifie “ réseaux d’innovation du liège, des résines et des produits comestibles dans le bassin méditerranéen» encourage la collaboration intersectorielle et l’innovation, afin de mettre en valeur la valeur et le potentiel des PFNL dans les régions méditerranéennes.
Le projet 'Innovation Networks of Cork, Resin, and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin' (INCREDIBLE) a reçu des fonds du programme Horizon 2020 de la Commission Européenne sous le grant agreement N°774632
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