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Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (MAPs) after COVID: what should we expect?

An end to the pandemic is now visible and we must think what is going to happen afterwards. While the COVID-19 epidemic in Greece may be conquered by vaccination, the future is unclear, both in the short term and in the long term. It is probable that many things will be changed permanently. But what are those things? Which parts of the food chain will change, if any? How will the market for MAPs and other NWFPs change in 2021 and after?

In this online discussion, hosted by the Laboratory of Ecology, Department of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina, we will be discussing these issues. The event will be held online on 21 December through the Microsoft Teams platform. Start time: 17:00 | Ends: 19:00 (local time). From 15:00 to 17:00 GMT.

This event is addressed to researchers, producers, professionals, students and general public.

Check here the programme.

Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
Start Date: 
Lunedì, 21 Dicembre, 2020
End Date: 
Lunedì, 21 Dicembre, 2020
INCREDIBLE Project events

Online event.

Chi siamo

Il progetto INCREDIBLE ha lo scopo di mostrare come i prodotti forestali non legnosi (NWFP) possono svolgere un ruolo importante nel sostenere la gestione forestale sostenibile e lo sviluppo rurale, creando reti per condividere e scambiare conoscenze e competenze. Il progetto INCREDIBLE promuove la collaborazione e l'innovazione intersettoriali per evidenziare il valore e il potenziale dei prodotti forestali non legnosi nel bacino del Mediterraneo.


Il progetto INCREDIBLE ("INNOVATION Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin") riceve finanziamenti dal programma della Commissione Europea Horizon 2020 secondo il grant agreement Nº 774632.


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