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Seeking profitable alternatives for the adaptation to climate change of forest productions

With the aim of searching for economically viable and profitable alternatives for forest owners, a conference was held on 9 October focusing on the climate change scenarios that are expected and how they will affect forest production.

The meeting, which took place in the LUCIA building on the Miguel Delibes campus of the University of Valladolid (UVa), also addressed in the context of climate change what options for adaptation can have forest stands and the role that owners and managers have to play in this process.

This Science to Practice day was promoted by the Wild Nuts & Berries iNet of INCREDIBLE project. For the coordinator of this iNet, Sven Mutke, this conference has been "an opportunity to bring together forest managers and owners of the region with technicians from various public agencies in related areas, in order to share knowledge and experience available on the subject, and propose possible alternatives to the current model that is increasingly less economically viable for the forest owner".

The organisers wanted to emphasize that, faced with the challenges of global change, forest owners and owners of marginal agricultural lands are urgently looking for viable alternatives that allow an adaptation of forest systems or new plantations to the climate expected for the 21st Century and greater resilience to new pests and diseases

This meeting aimed to bring these owners together with technicians and managers of the different public bodies in the field and to share the knowledge and experience available.

News Date: 
Παρασκευή, 11 Οκτώβριος, 2019
iNet news: 
Wild Nuts & Berries

Σχόλια (1)

Corgipoo (χωρίς επαλήθευση)- Mar 16, 2024 11:55 AM Reply

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