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'Advances in mechanization of the use of natural resin'

Under de title 'Advances in mechanization of the use of natural resin', Tardelcuende (in Soria, Castilla y León, Spain) will host this ‘Science to practice’ event of the Resins iNet. Tardelcuende is a village with long-standing tradition of resin tapering, and locatedlocated in a rural area where this occupation has been recovering in recent years.

The objectives of this day are to present the main lines of research and experiences in the field of mechanization and organization of the use of resin, and to stimulate the exchange and transfer of knowledge, and to reflect on the future of innovation in resin mechanisation and logistics. This 'Science to Practice' event is addressed to forest owners, resin tappers, public and private forest managers, teachers, students and anyone interested in mechanization of resin harvesting.

Organiser: Cesefor Foundation.

Venue: Salón Social, Travesía La Iglesia, s/n. Tardelcuende - Soria (Spain). UTM coord. 41,594697, -2,644233

Start time: 09:30 AM / End time: 06:00 PM.

Contact and registration: Resins iNet Coordinator, Javier Calvo:

Program available here (English) and download presentations.  

Start Date: 
Τρίτη, 23 Οκτώβριος, 2018
End Date: 
Τρίτη, 23 Οκτώβριος, 2018
INCREDIBLE Project events


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